Monday, October 30, 2006

A Shocking Site

Can you see it? Do you see the tinge of gold and red in the trees?

Hold that thought, I will give you a closer look in just a second. First, the important news of the weekend. We had a very special moment this weekend and I want to share it with you. Stefano cast his very first vote as an American Citizen! *waves flag* YAY. We went through a long road of immigration and on Saturday he voted in his first ever American election. (we are early voters) and man am I ready for the big election day to be over. I get so sick of the crappy campaigning that goes on. Be done with it already! I hope I am happy with the outcome.

Now onto the rest of the weekend. We did a little road trip on Saturday (see pic above) in my convertible with Stef driving. I have to be honest - I don't really like him driving my car. First, Stef is a very "jerky" driver. Not like "you're a jerk!" but as in not smooth. It's a small car and every slam of the break, jerk of the wheel, etc is felt. Second, the driver's seat is MUCH more comfortable than the passenger's. Sorry all those who have been forced to ride with me! He is a really good and safe driver though!

I was a bit tense when we started out but the day was pretty and we had a good time. We left kind of late so alot of the trip the sun was right at eye level. But we saw some really nice land and it was great to get out of the house. And look ==================>
It is fall color! Don't even ask how long it took us to find a few trees that had colors other than Texas is not known for its nice fall folliage but hey - beggars can't be choosers. hehe I know it's a little hard to see but there are actually yellow and red leaves in there!

Thankfully Stef had the camera at that point, otherwise you would just see more pictures like this one. ==============>
What a lovely pic of my hair and oooo the road! Being the artiste I am, I was trying to take a picture of the trees behind us as we drove. So That is a pitiful excuse for a picture but I thought it was funny so here you go =) Don't ask me why I didn't just turn around and take one. *shrug*

The rest of the weekend was pretty quiet. House cleaning, napping, and laughing at the cat (she is something frisky during these cool days!). Now I have the all important job of burning my "Best of the 80's" cd. Ohh yeah! itunes rocks! hehe

More later...


Tracie P. said...

ooh your color is pretty! congrats on the citisenship, how'd he do that?

Tracie P. said...

i meant citiZenship

Anonymous said...

Congrats on his citizenship-but based on the largely negative campaigns does he like voting or is he too disgusted?

Texas Espresso said...

tracie - it was a long arduous road that stated about 7 yrs definitely something to talk about over a nice wine or margaritas!

J. Doe - honestly, we don't watch that much tv anymore so while I saw alot of it on the internet and heard about it at work stef was mostly saved the torment =)

Anonymous said...

I used to live in texas, before moving abroad with my boyfriend. I enjoy reading your blog to give me a sense of texas from so far away!