He just had to do it. Knowing my love of all things chocolate and pastry-like, my Italian just "happened" to send me this freaking picture... and in the body of the email - "I had two :)"
Why oh why doesn't Dallas have delicious pastry goodies like this??
His parents just brought this tray home the other day for snacks. I am so jealous. One of each please. How soon can I move?
More later...
Can I have one? They look good.
Oh, those trays are full of sin, I tell ya! Your Italian deserves payback for that. Get him good! ;)
Ha! that is so mean.
I tell you, the Italians sure do know how to do Chocolate with a capital C! There is an amazing cioccolateria here in Ascoli that makes my mouth water just walking past the place! And now with winter, the cups of cioccolata calda con panna...yum!
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