Wednesday, August 06, 2008


Hello? Hello? ::tap tap tap:: hello? If anyone IS still here - I greatly appreciate it though I will say, I sure don't blame you for I have been a terrible blogger, and for that I am sincerely sorry. I wish I had some interesting excuse like being pregnant or something (seems like that is usually the case with MIA but alas, you won't be getting any of those announcements from me!

Nope, the only excuse I have is that I've been MELTING in the hot Texas summer. A month of triple digit temperatures (or 40+C) has me basically shut down. As that only accounts for 1 month away from blogging, my only other excuse is that I am boring and have nothing exciting going on. Let's see what is new....

1. I started working for a small event company. I really like it and the staff (all 3 of us). It is alot of fun and interesting to be more on the special event side of things rather than corporate meetings. Here is a picture of one of my coworkers. Isn't she cute. The owner brings her to work some days and I love playing with her. Furry friends are always nice.

The drawbacks are that it is not full time and has no benefits. *sigh* I could totally be happy making a good living as a contract planner but without health care - how can I? *getting on my soapbox* I will be honest - I never really thought much about our healthcare system until I didn't have any insurance through a company. It SUCKS. and is practically impossible to get (or afford) an individual or family policy. I have spent years paying for premiums that I never used and while I am in good health (thankfully) you never know. then where would I be? Stuck with thousands of dollars worth of medical bills I can't afford to pay - that's where. *stepping back down before I really get going*

2. I have spent a lot of time shopping around in various farmer's markets, well when I venture outside anyway. I am in full tomato eating mode here. I mean who wants to cook in this heat anyway? The freaking salmonella-tomato-scare really put the kabosh on early summer tomato eating. And for some reason, my tomato selecting skills have really failed me this year because the yumminess has been a bit spotty so far. However, it has not made too big of difference as I am averaging 1 tomato each day. lol

3. The rest of the time I have either been a) reading or b) playing PacMan World 2 on the PS2. Most books have been of the romance/fun genre as I am not really up to real-world drama or sad stories at the moment. However, I am really excited about this book - my husband is reading it and I have just ordered me a copy. We've never read the same book at the same time before so it should be interesting. It sounds very interesting and timely since it is set in Asia.

4. I am looking forward to the Olympics. Aside from any feelings I have pro/con about China - I love the Olympics. And am dying to see the new Mummy movie set there but have promised my nephew to see it with him when he gets back from vacation. I know it didn't get good reviews but I like those movies, and I am 100% confident it will entertain me.

5. I am slightly jealous of everyone's cool and fun vacations. It's been awhile since I've had an actual vacation. (I don't really consider not working a vacation since I am stressed trying to find an income source) But good news! I am planning a trip to Italy this coming fall/winter. Either over Thanksgiving or Christmas holiday. I am leaning towards Christmas/New Years but airfare prices might rule that out. While I'm there I also plan on a side trip to Paris to see some sights and meet up with my favorite podcasters. So while that seems a long ways off, it will probably be here sooner than we think! At least it will make for some interesting postings. Hopefully, between now and then, these posts won't totally suck. hehe

See - nothing terribly interesting. unless you want a list of romance books I've read or 101 ways to eat tomatoes. lol

More later... (and thanks for coming back)


Anonymous said...

Ahhhh, a trip to Italy with a stop in Paris is definitely A LOT to look forward to!

Isn't this heat horrid? I'm totally laying low myself. Come on, fall!

Monika said...

Your co-worker is too cute!!

Anonymous said...

Oh, welcome back! I figured no blogs meant you were on vacation in Italy. I have a couple of books for you.


Cynthia Rae said...

Just checking to see if you are still alive. Glad to hear that I am not the only bad blogger! Hehehehehe! I have not been on my blog (or any one elses) for most of the summer.

Been thinking of you and wondering how things are going?? Any news about Italy?
