Daring dashes to the madhouse stores for last minute gifts and warm clothes (hello I live in Texas, it doesn't get that cold here). Long lists of what to pack with the determination not to stuff too much into the suitcase. Bills to pay so we could come back to a house with electricity. A million and one things to do before leaving which suck up the hours before a big trip.
The day finally arrives and guess what? A Christmas miracle occurred. It snowed in Dallas. HA of course it would snow as I am leaving. It looked lovely coming down along the runway as we waited for our flight. and waited. and waited. yep, our flight was delayed but not because of the snow. We were almost an hour late in leaving but the plane was nice and the movie selection... oh the movie selection was GINORMOUS!! I didn't sleep at all! I watched Julie & Julia, G-Force, and The Hangover. (that movie was hilarious lol)
Unfortunately, we didn't make up enough time in the air and had a tight connection in Amsterdam - where, I might add, we had to run across the WHOLE FREAKING AIRPORT to make our connection flight to Venice. S got to the gate before me and as I was running up to the gate, they called my name over the intercom.lol Hopping on the little tram we were the last ones on the plane. It was snowing pretty hard by that time and frankly we ran for for nothing because we were further delayed while they de-iced the wings. actually that was kind of cool. I'd never seen that before =)
Tired beyond belief, cramped in the little puddle jumper, and just ready to get there, S. & I couldn't help but get excited when we finally saw this:
Our luggage however, was not.
More later...
Nice picture about my home hills. What a combination, you are american and married to a man who is born there and I am Italian, born there,and my boyfriend is american!!
Nice blog. Hope you will write more
Thanks Orietta - I will write more! Hoping the more I'm settled in the more I can write :) welcome, i look forward to seeing you back again!
Thanks Orietta - I will write more! Hoping the more I'm settled in the more I can write :) welcome, i look forward to seeing you back again!
Welcome bak!
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